Solutions to Fix & Solve The Server is Not Operational Error Problem

The Server Is Not Operational

The server is not operational is a windows server error. This error has been seen in the windows server. If you are trying to access services or performing any operation, then you get this error. The error stops you from accessing that particular service or setting. The issue has been faced by many users all over the world. The major cause behind this issue is NTLM authentication. If the NTLM authentication has been disabled, whether it is domain or domain controller, then most likely, this is the only reason, apart from these network issues and, the IP issue is also the possible cause of these errors. But do not worry in this article we will cover all the methods that you required to fix the Error.

The Server Is Not Operational

Causes of The Server is Not Operational Error Problem:

System runtime interopservices comexception The Server Is Not Operational Error is majorly related to NTLM authentication. If your domain or domain controller has turned off or disabled this, then you get this error. Furthermore, the issue can also be because of some misconfiguration in the active directory or misconfigured IP settings.

  • Disabled NTLM authentication
  • Active Directory issues
  • IP address issues
  • Network issues

Similar Types of The Server is Not Operational Error Issue:

  • The Server is Not Operational Adfs
  • active directory domain services the server is not operational windows 2008
  • Server 2016
  • the server is not operational. r n LDAP
  • the advanced page cannot be opened because of the following error
  • windows cannot access object
  • adsi The Server is Not Operational
  • error getting the list of sites from the target environment

How to Fix The Server is Not Operational Error Issue

Here in this section, we will go through all the methods that you need to know in order to eliminate system runtime interopservices comexception The Server Is Not Operational Error. The following are the methods that we will go through. The first method we will be about is bypassing the NTLM authentication mode to Kerberos authentication. In the second method, we will turn off the guest account in the trusted domain. In the third method, we will make sure that your system is using the correct IP configuration. Finally, in the fourth method, we will try to fix the issue by creating another account but with the same details.

1. Using Kerberos Authentication –

If you are still getting system runtime interopservices comexception The Server is Not Operational LDAP error to follow this method. In this method, we will change the authentication from the NTLM authentication mode to Kerberos authentication.

  • STEP 1. The first thing you need to do is to join the server to the domain
  • STEP 2. Now configure the server and make it a domain controller
  • STEP 3. By following the above steps, the Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) Wizard will automatically change the authentication from NTLM authentication mode to Kerberos authentication for getting encountered an error contacting domain The Server is Not Operational active directory error.

change the authentication from NTLM authentication mode to Kerberos authentication

2. Make Sure your IP Configuration is Right –

The first thing you need to do is to cross-check that the IP configuration is done on the Domain Controller is right. Make sure that your IP configured is to either 168.1.33 or IP. In some cases, the wrong IP configuration was the main cause that was causing encountered an error contacting domain The Server is Not Operational LDAP issue.

  • Cross-checking the DNS and IP configuration of the Domain controller
  • Choosing 168.1.33 or as your default IP

3. Turning OFF the Guest Account –

In this section, we will turn off the guest account in the trusted domain to eliminate this error. Users have reported that doing so has eliminated naming information cannot be located for the following reason The Server is Not Operational active directory error. Follow the steps.

  • STEP 1. In the Start Menu, go to control panel
  • STEP 2. Now in the Control Panel window change the view to small
  • STEP 3. Now locate and click on Click Administrative Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers

Administrative Tools

  • STEP 4. Here Locate the domain > go to the Users
  • STEP 5. In the details pane, Right-click on the Guest
  • STEP 6. Finally, Select Disable Account so that you will get back from this system runtime interopservices comexception The Server is Not Operational LDAP issue.

4. Creating the Same Account –

In system runtime interopservices comexception The Server is Not Operational LDAP method, we will create the same trusting domain account that is causing the issue in the trusted domain. Follow the steps to see how it is done.

  • STEP 1. In the Start Menu, go to control panel
  • STEP 2. Now in the Control Panel window change the view to small
  • STEP 3. Now locate and click on Click Administrative Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers
  • STEP 4. Here Locate the domain > go to the Users > New > User


  • STEP 5. Fill all the details of the existing problematic user in the trusting domain along with the same password
  • STEP 6. Finally, click on Finish to solve this encountered an error contacting domain The Server is Not Operational active directory issue.

With this being the end of the troubleshooting guide on system runtime interopservices comexception The Server Is Not Operational Error. We have covered all the methods that have been found to help eliminate this error. Furthermore, with this article, you get all the knowledge regarding its causes and effect on the system.

We hope this system runtime interopservices comexception The Server is Not Operational article helped you for more articles on troubleshooting. Follow us. Thank You!


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