Gears play an important role in the movement of mechanical assemblies. Initially, it was started in china. Now, these gears are designed and implemented in every industry. Its applications can also be found in different sectors, from tiny clocks to heavy motor industries' transmission apparatus.
With the introduction of new technology, gears are shifted to 3D-printed gears. 3D printed gears...
Remember our parents would force us to brush twice daily to keep our teeth clean?
Well, most of us (myself included) realize the importance of dental hygiene only when we become adults. If no proper care is taken, our teeth can have cavities, and worse, even tiny pieces of our tooth can break off.
Over time, food particles can get stuck...
Satoshi Nakamoto created it in 2009, and it's the first cryptocurrency. This new way of paying was decentralized, international, and didn't depend on a bank to operate.
By September 2021, the total market cap of all cryptocurrencies will reach $2.16 trillion, the same as the economic output of the 8th largest nation. Therefore, developing bitcoin apps and products within the...
Gone are the days when you had to put effort into printing and to fax a pdf file manually. It is the era of technology now, and the techs have advanced ever since.
Faxing a pdf file was nothing but a hassle in the past days. You had to have a fax machine as well as many other hardware necessities...