Incorporating technology and mobile devices in education is currently receiving a negative reputation. It has become a concern that using laptops and phones during class has adverse impacts on the overall performance.
This not only affects you but also those around you. However, it does not mean that laptops are bad. In fact, they are essential in helping you do...
Today, almost everyone has a smartphone. Modern phones perform much more functions than regular calls or SMS. We cannot imagine a day without familiar applications, and social networks occupy an important part of mobile software. When Instagram appeared, it was originally created for mobile users so that they could take photos on their phone's camera and immediately share it...
On October 21, 2016, a series of three devastating and sweeping Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks were carried out in quick succession, targeting a Domain Name System (DNS) provider by the name of Dyn. At the time, the largest and most significant DDoS attack ever launched, the botnet-aided Dyn DDoS attack involved tens of millions of IP addresses...
After all the necessary things are ready for the school year, there is quite a modern question, what phone to buy a child to communicate with his parents? And the question applies not only to first-graders but also to children of preschool age. Choosing a quality smartphone for a child is not very difficult. It is essential to pay...