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Free Game a Day
Kik games are pretty intense. Ok, that's a joke. Ever since Kik introduced bots, users have struggled to see any sensible use of them that justifies their fairly in-your-face advertisement utility for the company. There aren't a lot of fans of text-chat gaming. Remember the Goosebumps series from your childhood where you read the story in the first person...
Protect Your Business with a Virtual Data Room
Data for a business is like water for life, Charlie Chaplin for comedy, and Maradona for football. Any modern business formulates all its strategies (at functional, structural, or departmental level) based on information. So it is obvious that "data" is like the backbone for any business. Most importantly, if it falls into the wrong hands, such as your competitors,...
Benefits of Using Video Game Porting Services for Big Companies
When game development companies need to port games to new consoles it becomes a problem. It is not difficult, but you certainly attract many users and it will be cheaper, compared to a different game. Video game porting services have several benefits. Necessary elements of the existing games, like source code and artwork assets must be converted to run...
White Hat Backlinking for your Website
Link building has to be one of the most misunderstood search engine optimization (SEO) techniques today. For a long time, SEO consultants and website owners had leeway on linking for better ranking on search engine result pages (SERPs). During this era, link buying, link wheels, and other black hat SEO techniques became the order of the day. Website visitors...