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The Complete and Only College Student Checklist You’ll Ever Need
Heading off to college is always a mixed bag of emotions. On the one hand, you're excited to step into a new life and see what the college lifestyle is all about. On the other, you might be nervous to experience such a distinct change of pace. You're leaving home, taking on an academic load, forced to meet new friends,...
How to Keep Your Email Account Safe from Hackers
While it’s handy being able to use technology for more and more things these days, including working from home, along with this rise in tech comes a boom in hackers, too. Cybercriminals seem to be out in force more than ever, and keep coming up with increasingly sophisticated ways to break into networks, crash systems, steal data, and lock users...
Easy Guide To Cloud Computing
When people talk about computing or technology, the term “cloud” is a metaphor for the internet. You would have probably come across icons of clouds in diagrams to symbolize the internet. Imagine the internet as a virtual space that connects the billions of users from all over the world and shares information through various networks. That’s what the cloud...
What is Lean Management and Why is it Useful
Lean management might be something that’s only coming into focus recently for most of us, but it has been around since the 1450s roughly. It was adopted to a limited degree by Henry Ford back in 1913 for the first time in modern history, but the adoption was incomplete. Toyota in the 1930s managed to perfect the lean management...