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EaseUS Data Recovery Software for Windows
As technology has become cheaper and widely accessible in recent years, all the documents and information we own and stored have mostly become in the digital format. Even though storing all the data in a digital format makes it easier for us to store, carry, and share large pieces of information, there is always a risk of losing the...
5 Tips to Launching a Spotify Store
Spotify is a website full of digital music and is also a video streaming service that gives you access to millions of songs and other content from artists around the world. Features such as playing music are free, but you can opt to upgrade to Spotify Premium. With the Premium option, you can choose what you want to listen...

How To Choose A VPN

How To Choose A VPN
Back in 2017, the Federal Communications Commission announced the rolling back of privacy rules barring broadband Internet Service Providers (ISPs) from sharing or selling customers’ web and personal data. Choosing Your VPN As such, more and more people are using VPNs to protect their web privacy. While using a VPN offers many privacy advantages and offers plenty of value, not all...
How to Launch Your Start-up While in College
Are you a collegian with big dreams? Are you that one student in class who always writes down crazy ideas while the professor speaks on and on? We're about to dive into the refreshing adventure of turning those brainstorms into cold, hard, thriving start-ups. Picture you're in college, surrounded by a wealth of knowledge, resources, and other students who...