Would you like to join a driving business, but you don’t have a vehicle? Or do you simply need a ride? Thanks to the development of the carsharing services, nothing stands in your way.
The idea is very straightforward - it’s about renting a car, even for a short period, like an hour or two. The costs include membership fees,...
Does monitoring your kid’s cell phone seem impossible to you? Do you wish to track an iOS device, but you’re intimidated by the technical details involved? Do you want a simple solution to monitor your child’s iPhone?
Well, there are different apps online that claim to provide phone monitoring services. Finding one that's reliable and trustworthy can be infuriating since...
As cloud technology replaced old-school business practices, online collaboration and data management became more common. Today, the business world has almost moved to digital channels for communication, process automation, and data storage and management.
At the same time, diverse and geographically displaced corporate leadership has moved to digital methods such as board portal software. Due to this, today’s discussion revolves...
Today’s grandparents are adapting what their grandchildren have gotten used to much earlier: social media and new communication methods.
When did the Term Digital Habits Appear?
We all have different online habits, but over-55s are increasingly becoming Facebook and other online tools users. Sooner it could be the social media’s second-biggest user audience, and it has over 3.5m users aged 55–64...