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Tag: How to Archive a Google


Why Your IP Address Is More Important Than You Think
If you have an office job that isn’t technical, usually the only time you need your IP address is when you’re first assigned your computer or laptop, so your employer has it for the record. The common “ip lookup” Google search is widely popular for the average office guru. Other than that, why are IP addresses important? You’ll find...
How to Keep Your Online Business Safe in 2022
The COVID-19 pandemic has made modern businesses depend on technology more than ever. As the adoption of technology by businesses continues to rise, these businesses generate and process large volumes of data every day. These businesses rely on internet services to function efficiently, which will not change in the near future. This, in turn, has increased cybersecurity threats, as hackers...
When Should You Bring Your Cell Phone To A Repair Shop
Nowadays, our smartphones form such an integral part of our lives that phone problems are just inconvenient, not to mention downright annoying. While some software problems can be easily fixed DIY style, this likely won’t solve all of your hardware issues. Let’s take a look at the various scenarios where you should consider taking your phone to a repair shop: (Guide)...
Computer Memory Failure
Your device is working fine; it's just a bit slow, right? Even though your device is running, some parts may be suffering damage. Unfortunately, Random Access Memory (RAM) is the first part to go - and it's one of the failures you can't ignore; RAM is a crucial component of every program you use. You don't have to change it once...