When your work includes the use of online services, you will at some point run into a situation where you will need to scrape data. Depending on the work you are carrying out, it may be a one-off necessity; alternatives you may need to do so as part of an ongoing work process. Whatever scenario best fits your work,...
Plagiarism is an act of copying another's copyrights. It may be done on purpose, although it is more frequently done accidentally. In academics, this often refers to stealing someone's idea without giving proper credit to the source.
Suppose you are working as a webmaster, content generator, blogger, or SEO manager. In that case, you will always look out for unique,...
Apple has created a very well designed eco-system with its hardware and software. After all these years, Apple has evolved its software so much that now they do not only rely on hardware like iPhone, MacBook, etc. for revenue. With the launch of iTunes, it has become the main part of every Apple hardware user, but it also has...
Data for a business is like water for life, Charlie Chaplin for comedy, and Maradona for football. Any modern business formulates all its strategies (at functional, structural, or departmental level) based on information. So it is obvious that "data" is like the backbone for any business. Most importantly, if it falls into the wrong hands, such as your competitors,...