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Bluetooth Not Working on ComputerBluetooth Not Working on Computer
Nowadays, Bluetooth has become an integral tool that lets us connect with other devices, whether it be a phone, speakers, or your laptop. However, a number of users have pointed out connectivity issues and, let’s face the fact, and wireless connections can be a bit more complicated to deal with than wired ones. Below we have compiled a list of...
Owning an automobile is huge and, in most cases, a long-term investment. Everyone does a lot of research before buying a motorcycle, car, or truck to make sure that they are getting the best deal for the money spent. However, just like any other machinery, regular and prompt maintenance is crucial to ensure that your vehicle stays trouble-free and...
New Android ransomware aims to strike through message boards
Despite the belief by many that smartphones are virtually unhackable, hackers and cybercriminals wouldn’t dare leave a market as large as that powered by Android untouched. There are simply too many opportunities and too many people who fall for the security fallacy. Previous versions of Android ransomware have not been particularly successful. Still, in the summer of 2019, ESET Mobile...
iPad Management Tips
You probably have tested out all the basic functionality of the IOS13. Merged into apple's latest and greatest iPad, it's undoubtedly a gadget that focuses on productivity and better management. With the right knowledge and skill, you can increase this productivity and management to a whole new level. For some of you, it will be a refresher, while some...