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Top Technology to Reforest the Globe
Climate change and biodiversity loss are the biggest dead ends that humanity runs into when it comes to environmental preservation. Luckily, modern technology offers solutions for breaking the wall that separates us from a sustainable future where we learn to secure the Earth’s natural systems. One of the biggest roles in reaching this goal is played by reforestation. Forests...
Gaming fans all over the world have not even gotten the gaming copies of Cyberpunk 2077 at their homes yet, but the game developer CD Projekt Red believes in the game's world. There are going to be three Cyberpunk projects in the development phase, including a multiplayer mode for Cyberpunk 2077. Let's get deep dive into it, and let's...
Forex Trading for Beginners
Are you interested in getting started in the foreign exchange market but don't know where to start? This article will give you a crash course on all the basics you need to know in order to start trading forex. We'll cover topics like what the forex market is, how to place trades, and what factors can affect your success...
Online Safety Are YouTube Downloaders Safe
With billions of videos on YouTube and billions of people who watch them every day, it’s not a surprise that some of those videos are worth saving. Unfortunately, free YouTube doesn’t offer that particular possibility. That’s why people took things into their own hands. There are a lot of youtube video converters that allow you to download youtube videos and...