Solutions to Fix Remote Logins are Currently Disabled Error Problem Issue

Remote Logins Are Currently Disabled

Remote logins are currently disabled error is a very commons error that user faces. The issue has been common when using the active directory, remote login on a domain controller, etc. Every time the user tries to log in to the server, the error appears and stops the login process. Furthermore, the error also appears while transferring the files from server to domain if you do not know how to troubleshoot this issue then it can be a headache in this article on troubleshooting this error. We will cover methods that will help eliminate this issue.

Remote Logins Are Currently Disabled

Causes of Remote Logins are Currently Disabled Error Problem:

Remote Logins Are Currently Disabled Citrix Error can occur due to multiple reasons. If any user that has the administrator privileges may disable the logins using the changelogon command easily. In was if the RDP port is closed for connection in the security setup, then this error appears. Another issue in which this error appears is while using the Citrix application, as the app has some privacy policy that parents the user for remote logging in. Furthermore, the error also if the Host server is put into the drain mode.

  • Disable login
  • Citrix privacy policy
  • The host server is put into the drain mode

Similar Types of Remote Logins are Currently Disabled Error Issue:

  • Server 2016
  • Windows 2016
  • Change logon /enable
  • Change logon /enable remotely
  • Rds farm
  • 2016
  • Server 2008 r2
  • Terminal server sessions disabled remote logins currently disabled

How to Fix Remote Logins are Currently Disabled Error Issue

Troubleshooting Remote Logins Are Currently Disabled Citrix Error can be a little complicated. We have demonstrated methods that you can use to fix this error. The following are the methods. In the first method, we will manually enable the service or process using the command prompt. In the second method, we will enable the logon services using the Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration Utility. In the third method, we will fix the issue using the registry editor. Finally, in the fourth method, we will talk about some essential points that you should know.

1. Using Command Prompt –

In this method, we will fix the Remote Logins are Currently Disabled Citrix issue by using the command prompt. We will execute the command that will enable the disabled remote login services. Follow the steps.

  • STEP 1. In the Start menu, type cmd
  • STEP 2. Now right click on the command and click on Run as administrator
  • STEP 3. In the command prompt window, type the following command
psexec.exe \\SERVERNAME\ change logon /enable
  • STEP 4. Above command will enable the remote logins and eliminate the error
  • STEP 5. PSEXEC.EXE is a handy utility, following are the other attributes that you can use to know some important information
    • The psexec.exe command can be used using the following attributes
      change logon /enable  /disable  /query
      The parameters that are used by the change logon command are:

      • /enable: This attribute is used to enable logins from client
      • /disable: This attribute is used to disable logins from the client, already logged on users will have no effect
      • /query: This attribute is used to display the current logon status

2. Using the Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration Utility –

In this Remote Logins are Currently Disabled Server 2008 method, we will the Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration Utility enable the logon services.

  • STEP 1. In the Start menu, type run and then hit Enter
  • STEP 2. Now in the Run box type tsconfig.msc and then hit Enter


  • STEP 3. In the Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration window, Under the Edit settings


  • STEP 4. You will see that Restrict each user to a single session has been put Yes


  • STEP 5. Right-click on Restrict each user to a single session > Properties
  • STEP 6. Now uncheck the Restrict, each user to a single session checkbox
  • STEP 7. Click on Apply then ok for getting back of this type of Remote Logins are Currently Disabled Server 2008 Citrix error.

3. Using Registry –

In this method, we will use the registry editor to resolve the Remote Logins are Currently Disabled Citrix issues. Kindly follow each step carefully as wrong changes may cause system instability. Follow the steps now.

  • STEP 1. Go to the Start > type in the search/run box regedit then hit Enter
  • STEP 2. In  the registry editor navigate to the following path
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Control > Terminal Server
  • STEP 3. On the Right Locate the fSingleSessionPerUser, then double click on it
  • STEP 4. In the Value data put 0, to allow Multiple sessions


  • STEP 5. Save the changes and restart your system to get back from this Remote Logins are Currently Disabled Server 2008 problem.

4. Basic Troubleshooting –

Here we have mentioned some common verification points for getting rid out of this Remote Logins are Currently Disabled Server 2008 Citrix issue.

  • Make sure that the RDP port is allowed/open for connection in the security setup.
  • Make sure that the Host Server has not been put on “Do not allow new connections.

We have seen four ways that will help you in eliminating Remote Logins Are Currently Disabled Citrix Error. The error only occurs if the netlogon or similar setting has been disabled. With this article you get all the methods by using step by step guide also we have briefly discussed its causes.

We hope these Remote Logins are Currently Disabled Citrix article resolves your issues. For more articles on troubleshooting, follow us. Thank you!


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