Professional Transformational Seminar on Brain Management Training

Professional Transformational Seminar on Brain Management Training

Hello all, I am a Psychotherapist in Jaipur…

We are planning a Professional Transformational Seminar on Brain Management Training.

Professional Transformational Seminar on Brain Management Training

Stuti Pardhe’s Mental Health & Well-Being Counseling Clinic in Partnership with Brain EQcellence Tutorial and Development Services presents a two-day workshop on ‘The Brain Re-activation Accelerate Intellectual Neural-Pathways- Level 1.

About the Speaker:

Dr.Alan Lee Borro, an experienced Developmental Trainer for thirteen years, Counselor for twenty years, and founder of ‘BRAIN EQcellence Tutorial and Training Developmental Services‘ from the Philippines.

The Purpose of this Workshop is to:

  1. Unleash the innate potential in the Subconscious/Unconscious Mind
  2. Through the power of your Intuitive mind, learn to make the right decisions in your life.
  3. Develop a Positive Mental Attitude
  4. Increase your Self-Confidence
  5. Know the ‘Inner-You.’
  6. Develop your Personality.

Additionally, the workshop is for the participants to experience transformation for the greater change of their personality through the height of synchronization. Participants will also experience mental and psychological healing, transformation, and excellence in education, career, and personal life.

Dates: 12th & 13th November
Venue: Jaipur (Rajasthan)
Registration Fees: Students (Rs. 2,000/-) & Working Professionals (Rs. 4,500/-)

For inquiries on this workshop, kindly contact me on 9610170046 or alternatively visit our FB official page.

This Seminar will be presented by Dr. Alan Lee (Philippines), Philosopher and Trained Professional, on the Subject of ‘Brain Management Training.’

You can also Buy this Most Selling Amazing Transformation Book at a very Huge Discounted Price right now:

Designing & Leading Life-Changing Workshops: Creating the Conditions for Transformation in Your Groups, Training, and Retreats

Designing & Leading Life-Changing Workshops: Creating the Conditions for Transformation in Your Groups, Training, and Retreats

This is an excellent opportunity for the Students and Working Professionals to be transformed so that you can achieve heights of success in your personal, career, and professional life.

Stuti Pardhe’s Mental Health and Well-Being Counseling Clinic is my first milestone towards my dream of starting an organization that eventually supports rescued girls from prostitution.

Kind Attention: I need one or two members of the University or Association to help me with registration. The right candidate will be reimbursed for the contribution of their efforts.

Stuti Pardhe’s Mental Health & Well-Being Counseling Clinic


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