5 Best Photography Tips and Tricks to Take Great Photos with Your Smartphones

Photography Tips to Take Great Photos with Your Smartphone

To a large extent, the quality of photographs you take is affected by the hardware used. However, if you have the right skills, then you can take remarkable snapshots with a decent smartphone too. Countless Instagrammers are already doing it with their iPhones. So just check out the Best Photography Tips and Tricks from here.

Photography Tips to Take Great Photos with Your Smartphone

The key to best Photography Tips and Tricks is to pick a good mobile phone which is actually easy if you read the online reviews just like you would read the best Photography Tips and Tricks printing online reviews to make the right decision for your printing needs. Other than that, there are some tricks that you can use too, such as:

(Top 5) Best Photography Tips and Tricks to take Great Photos

  1. Digging into the Features

Gone are the days when a phone’s camera was just pointing and shooting. Today’s smartphones come packed with all kinds of features and options for the camera alone, many of which aren’t even available in dedicated digital cameras.

If you are used to taking photos without tinkering with the camera’s settings, then you may be missing out on some of the most amazing features that were available to you the whole time. So, it’s highly recommended that you go through the settings to see what kind of options are available. Some of the advanced cameras offer High Dynamic Range (HDR), Optical Image Stabilization (OIS), portrait mode, etc. apart from a variety of camera filters that instantly change the motion or feel of a photo.

  1. Trying an Attachable Camera Lens

Trying an Attachable Camera Lens

We may have started using phones that have dual cameras to add depth to photographs and focus on the subjects much better, but even then, they can’t compete with the professional DSLR cameras. However, if you are using an iPhone, then you can enjoy the luxury of an add-on lens that can give you more flexibility and opportunities to experiment with. OlloclipFilmer’s Kit is an excellent example of this. It allows you to try a variety of macro lens magnifications and capture highly detailed photographs without breaking your bank. It can also help you learn the basics of professional best Photography Tips and Tricks and equip you with the required skills before you invest in a high-end camera like the Canon EOS 1DX.

  1. Avoiding the Digital Zoom

The zoom function in most smartphone cameras isn’t the same as professional cameras. This is because it’s usually a digital zoom and not optical zoom.

When you digitally zoom, then the image is cropped which it makes look like you have zoomed in on an object. However, this cropping leads to loss of image quality which is usually quite apparent. So, if you need to take a photo of a faraway object, then you should move closer to the object itself rather than use the digital zoom function. However, if you are using a phone that offers optical zoom such as iPhone 7 Plus, Samsung Galaxy Note 8, etc. then you can use the zoom function to some extent.

  1. Finding Bright Locations for Photography

Although most smartphones have bright lenses, the sensors are quite small. Thus, you can’t expect to get good shots in poorly lit areas. To capture the best images, try to look for spots where there is enough lighting. If you are shooting indoors, then try to have your subject stand in such a way that the light falls directly on them. Also, since the LED flash isn’t often the best source of light, it’s best to look for an alternative source that’s brighter and more natural.

  1. Using the Grid

Using the Grid

One of the most important things to keep in mind when taking photos is the rule of thirds which states that an image should be imagined as divided into nine equal parts and the important compositional elements should be placed along these lines. This is a rule of thumb that all professional photographers swear by.

Most smartphones have a grid feature that divides the frame into thirds both horizontally and vertically. So, you can use the grid lines to align your subjects properly and take the perfect shot.


Gifted photographers have proven time and again that you don’t need expensive equipment to take some of the best photos. If you are creative and understand the basic techniques of best Photography Tips and Tricks, then that’s all you need to be a good photographer. So this is all about this Best Photography Tips and Tricks guide.

Be sure to apply the information shared in this blog. You will surely notice the difference in your work. Hope you also like this best Photography Tips and Tricks article.


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