Solutions to Fix & Solve Invalid IP Address Error Problem Issue very Easily

Invalid IP address

If you are a person who uses the internet on daily purposes, or maybe you manage network issues, or you are a casual user who is using the web, you must have encountered a very common network error called Invalid IP address. The error comes up in a number of scenarios, and there is not any particular cause or a reason behind this error. Different users have faced this error in different conditions. For some users, the error appears while browsing any website; for some, the error appeared while transferring files and folder over network sharing. The issue is not limited to a particular network type like LAN or WIFI. As a lot of users have been facing issues with this error, so we have decided to create a guide with the best methods that will surely eliminate this error.

Invalid IP address

Causes of Invalid IP Address Error Problem Issue

Since the error statement does not provide enough details regarding the actual cause of the issue, so we have tried to research the error and gathered some very common problems, which led to this Invalid IP Address error. These common causes include invalid IP configuration, corrupted network driver, invalid DNS configurations, outdated windows, older TCP/IP stack and cache, temporary network issues, windows firewall, and third-party VPNs.

  • Invalid IP configuration
  • Corrupted network driver
  • Invalid DNS configurations
  • Outdated windows
  • Older TCP/IP stack and cache
  • Temporary network issues
  • Windows firewall
  • Third-party VPNs

Similar Types of Invalid IP Address Error Problem Issue

  • Invalid IP Address configuration windows 7
  • Ethernet doesn’t have a valid ip configuration windows 10 fix
  • Xfinity wifi doesn’t have a valid ip configuration
  • Wifi doesn’t have a valid ip configuration Reddit
  • Ethernet doesn’t have a valid ip configuration 2018
  • How to find valid IP Address
  • Ip configuration failure
  • How to get ip configuration

How to Fix Invalid IP Address Error Problem Issue

In order to put an end to Invalid IP Address Error, we have compiled a list of best methods that will be best in troubleshooting the error. The following are the methods.

1. Basic Troubleshooting Methods

Before jumping right on to the below methods, we highly suggest you first try these basic methods to resolve the Invalid IP Address windows 10 issue.

  • The number Of DHCP Users: Some users have reported that limited DHCP users are one of the causes of the issue, so makes sure that if there are multiple users, the limit is increased.
  • Change the Network: We suggest you change your network, sometimes there can be some temporary issue with ISP, and thus, you must be getting the error, so kindly recheck if the network is working correctly or try changing the network.
  • Restart Your System: We suggest you to after you get this error, try restarting your system, sometimes background services or tasks make the network services unresponsive, and thus the user gets the error.
  • Cross-check Websites & Credentials: If you are getting this Invalid IP Address range error while visiting any particular website, make sure that the server is live. Apart from this, make sure that the network credentials are accurate.
  • Check all wires & ports: Make sure your router and switches are connected to your system well. Check all the ports if they are not loosened.

2. Reset Winsock & TCP/IP Stack

Moving on to our methods, we will first make sure that Winsock and TCP/IP configuration are reset. We will perform a series of commands to fix the Invalid IP Address ethernet issue.

  • STEP 1. Press Windows+X key from the menu list click on CMD
  • STEP 2. And makes sure that the command prompt is running with the administrator privileges
  • STEP 3. In the command, windows execute the following command to reset Winsock
netsh winsock reset

Invalid IP Address

  • STEP 4. Next command will reset the TCP configurations
netsh int tcp reset

tcp reset

  • STEP 5. Finally, we will reset the IP configurations by the below command
netsh int ip reset

netsh int ip reset

  • STEP 6. Now we suggest you reboot your system for getting back of this Invalid IP Address windows 7 issue.

3. Clearing out TCP/IP Cache & Temporary Files

We suggest you follow the above method and this method in a row. In this Invalid IP Address windows 10 way, we will remove all the cache and leftover files related to TCP/IP. Again we are going to perform a series of commands.

  • STEP 1. Open the command window with administrator rights
  • STEP 2. Now execute the following command, to relses the IP configurations
ipconfig /release

ipconfig /release

  • STEP 3. Now clear out all the DNS cache using the below command
ipconfig /flushdns

ipconfig /flushdns

  • STEP 4. Finally, at the end perform the below command to renew the TCP/IP stack
ipconfig /renew

ipconfig /renew

  • STEP 5. Restart your system to make all the changes effective to get back of the Invalid IP Address example issue.

4. Configure your IP Settings Manually

After executing the above troubleshooting command, if you are still facing the Invalid IP Address error issue, then configure your IP manually by following the steps.

  • STEP 1. Open up the Run window, here type ncpa.cpl


  • STEP 2. After entering you will be redirected to the network connection window
  • STEP 3. Here choose your network connection and right-click on it, from the menu choose Properties

Invalid IP Address

  • STEP 4. In the properties windows, go to the IPv4/IPv6 depending upon your network. Usually, it is IPV4
  • STEP 5. Select it and go to Properties, here make sure to fill out the correct IP

DNS Name Does Not Exist Error Invalid IP Address

  • STEP 6. After that save all the changes and check if the windows 10 Invalid IP Address error appears

5. Update Network Driver

If still the issue persists, make sure to update the network driver. Follow the Invalid IP Address fix steps to see how it is done.

  • STEP 1. Open up the Run window and put devmgmt.msc in the search field

devmgmt Invalid IP Address


  • STEP 2. Now in the device management window, locate the network driver
  • STEP 3. Once you found out the network driver, right-click on it and update the driver

update network driver Invalid IP Address

  • STEP 4. Be sure that you are connected to the internet
  • STEP 5. However, you can manually download the network driver by searching on the internet or go directly to the manufacturer website and download the driver from there for getting back of Invalid IP Address windows 10 error.

6. Using the Registry

We highly suggest you to kindly go through all of the above methods first before proceeding to this wireless network configuration Invalid IP Address solution. In this method, we will be disabling the DHCP broadcast flag.

  • STEP 1. Go to the Start Menu and type in Regedit

regedit Invalid IP Address

  • STEP 2. Once the registry window is opened navigate to the following path
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\ {GUID}
  • STEP 3. Right Click on the GUID subkey and Go to the Edit menu > New > New DWORD (32-bit) Value
  • STEP 4. Kindly name it DhcpConnEnableBcastFlagToggle

DhcpConnEnableBcastFlagToggle Invalid IP Address

  • STEP 5. Now right click on DhcpConnEnableBcastFlagToggle and put 1 in the Value data field
  • STEP 6. Finally, save all the changes and restart your system to get rid out of this type of Asus ddns Invalid IP Address problem.

In this troubleshooting guide, we have gone through six methods that will help troubleshoot Invalid IP address Error. Furthermore, we have also tried to cover all the possible causes of the issue. If you still get any problems to tell us in the comments.

We hope this Invalid IP Address article resolves your issue, for more tips and troubleshooting guides follow us. Thank you!


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