If you are also one of the users who is continuously facing this Could Not Access Network Location Windows PC Code Problem on your PC or on your laptop, then you have to surely check out this below blog post because today in this post, we are here going to show you that how to quickly fix and solve this error code issue from your PC completely. So all you have to do is just check and read this once fast,

Could not access network location

This Error problem occurs when you try to install or remove a Microsoft program or any program from your PC. This error issue can also be caused by the missing or incorrect registry entries on your PC. It mainly happens when installing any problem or any software on your PC. From this error, you will inevitably get irritated and frustrated.

Causes of Could Not Access Network Location Windows Code Issue:

  • Asp. Net client files
  • Systemdriver inetpub wwwroot
  • Hewlett-Packard
  • VMware vCenter site recovery manager
  • AppData error issue
  • Windows PC problem

So, here are some guides and the solutions methods for efficiently fixing and solving this type of Error Could not Access Network Location Windows PC Code Problem from your PC permanently.

How to Fix Could Not Access Network Location Windows PC Code Problem

1. Fix by the Command Prompt Method on your Windows PC –

Fix by Command Prompt

  • Click on the start menu
  • Search or type ‘RUN‘ there
  • Click on it & opens it
  • Type ” regedit ” there
  • Navigate to this registry path
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER>Software>Microsoft>>Windows>Current Version>Explorer>User Shell Folders
  • Clear the key: Recent
    Right, click on the key & choose ‘Delete.’
  • Close the registry editor
  • Restart the computer
**NOTE - The following instructions require editing the registry.
If you are unsure about to editing the registry,
then please contact your system administrator for any assistance.
An incorrect registry may cause problems with your PC.

Fixing the command prompt method will fix this error Could not Access Network Location Autodesk code problem.

2. Backup or Delete the Microsoft Office Registry Key from your PC –

Backup or Delete the Microsoft Office Registry Key Could not Access Network Location

  • Click on the start menu
  • Search or Go to the RUN there
  • Click on it & opens it
  • Now, go to ” HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Office
  • Right-click on the Office key
  • Select the ‘Export‘ option there
  • Provide a name & choose a location to save the *.reg file
  • Install the ‘Acrobat.’
  • After Installing the Acrobat,
  • Browse to the location where the *.reg were saved
  • Double click on the *.reg file to import the deleted office registry key
  • That’s it, done

Backing up or deleting the Microsoft Office registry key will fix this Could Not Access Network Location Windows 7 PC error code problem.

3. Create a New Local User Account on your Windows PC –

  • Create a New Local User AccountGo to the Start menu
  • Search or go to the ‘Computer‘ or ‘My Computer.’
  • Right-click on that
  • Choose Manage option
  • Expand the system tools &
  • Go to the Local user & groups
  • Right-click on the user’s folder
  • Click on the New User
  • Type in the username & full name
  • Deselect change the password at the next login
  • Select Password never expires
  • Click on the Create & click close there
  • Right-click the user account
  • Choose the Properties option
  • Choose the member & click on Add
  • Verify that the location in the local PC name
  • Type Administrator in the Enter the object names to select dialog box
  • Click on the OK option & click it again
  • Disable startup items & services
  • Log in to the new user account upon restart
  • Attempt to install acrobat again
  • That’s it, done

By creating a new user, the local account will quickly fix this error Could not Access Network Location 0 code problem.

4. Try Fixing by Microsoft Fix it Wizard on your Windows PC –

Try Fixing by Microsoft Fix it Wizard Could not Access Network Location

  • Go to this Microsoft Link
  • Update your Windows registry from there
  • That’s it, done

By trying fixing by Microsoft Fix it, wizards, it will this error Could not Access Network Location InstallShield code problem.


These are some top tips and tricks to quickly fix and solve this Error Could not Access Network Location Windows PC Code Problem. Hope it will help you to get out of this error code problem

If you are then also facing any Error Could not Access Network Location Windows PC issue or are stuck in any problem while fixing it, then comment down the problem below so that we can fix it too here or reply to you in our below comment section.


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