Are you familiar with the term blogger outreach? Do you know that it can be a good tool for marketing? It’s something many companies are already using but may not be making the most of it. Can blogger outreach be enhanced and made more successful with the help of a PR firm?

​Can a PR Firm Help with Blogger Outreach

What is Blogger Outreach?

Blogger outreach refers to the effort to engage bloggers in the development of promotional content. It’s not necessarily a formal partnership with bloggers like in the case of contracting them to put out content favorable to a company. Generally, it is an attempt to have bloggers involved in advertising or publicizing a company’s products and services.

To clarify, bloggers are different from the so-called influencers online, social media influencers in particular. They focus on publishing content through their blogs or websites. This is primarily text content that is longer than tweets or casual Facebook posts. The photos and videos are secondary content. It is through this text content that search engine optimization and other strategies are implemented.

(Guide) Can a PR Firm Help with Blogger Outreach?

Bloggers may also be as popular as online influencers, but it’s not their fame or personal popularity that is the target of blogger outreach. Marketers enlist their help primarily because of the perceived authority of their blogs or websites. Their blogs can help raise the standing of a product’s website in search engine results. It’s on an added bonus if the bloggers are famous themselves on other platforms.

Can PR Firms be of Help?

Public relations firms can help with blogger outreach by organizing activities that bring companies closer to bloggers. These don’t have to be something as detailed as what a digital marketing company like Ocere would do. PR firms, after all, specialize in public imaging. Don’t expect them to have the expertise and experience to know how to start link building in 2019 or how to produce content that can top search engine results.

PR Firm

PR firms can facilitate sponsorship in a blog conference or some event where bloggers are invited. To make the blogger outreach effective, though, the event shouldn’t just randomly invite everyone who has a blog. The participants should be carefully selected. The focus should be on those who produce high-quality content.

High-quality content is not just about good grammar and spelling. It’s also not just about the writing of relevant and sensible content. An effective blogger outreach strategy considers the clout and reaches of the bloggers being considered. It does not make much sense enlisting a multitude of bloggers who barely attract an audience, let alone a following. Additionally, a blogger’s standing in search engine results for certain keywords is a vital factor.

Public relations firms may not have expertise in SEO and other technical aspects of increasing and protecting an online presence, but they have competence in addressing issues concerning reputation or imaging. They can complement the efforts of digital marketing agencies to boost brand awareness, promote products and services, or remedy reputation issues.


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