You’ve decided that you are ready to go to the next level and have your own membership site. This is an exciting time, but you also could be a little be nervous about how you are going to move forward. Any time that we start something new, this is a natural feeling. When we know that we have the right tools to back us up, that can make things a lot easier. That is why it is essential to use the best membership plugin for WordPress when you are building your membership area. So just check out this best WordPress Membership Plugins lists from here.

Best Membership Plugins for WordPress

Make Your Plan:

Before you know what the best WordPress Membership Plugins for your site are going to be, you have to know what you want to achieve. Understanding the features that are necessary to make your site happen can only happen when you know how you want your site to be laid out, what you want it to look like and how you want it to function.

As you are making your plan, it is often helpful to write it on a piece of paper or use a mind map so you can see how things are going to work. Some people are visual learners and find it difficult to implement without seeing the project, so making sure everyone involved can understand the vision before starting to work on the project is important.

What Do You Need to Look for in the Plugin?

Once you’ve figured out your plan and you are ready to move forward, it is time to get down to brass tacks and figure out what we need in our plugin. Here are some of the things you should look for:

  • Ease of Use. If the plugin that you choose is cumbersome and hard to understand, it will be easy to give up on the project after a few tries. Not being able to figure out one design element could take you hours or even days to figure out. This is why it is important to find a beginner-friendly product.
  • Is the plugin that you chose compatible with the latest version of WordPress that you are running? If you found a plugin that is outdated and isn’t updated anymore, you should look for another option. If your plugin is not actively managed, it may not work with the next version of WordPress.
  • Designs & Features. What designs and features are available? Do they work for your brand and the function that you want your membership area to have? Make sure that you do not compromise in this area to save a few dollars or save time. You want to make sure that the plugin that you choose is going to work for you long-term.

Best Membership Plugins for WordPress

(Lists) Top Best WordPress Membership Plugins Options

Now that you’ve figured out your plan and what you want, it is time to look at some of the solutions available on the market to see which one is going to be the best for you.

1. MemberPress –

If you are looking for an all in one solution, then MemberPress is a great option. Why go out and buy a bunch of different best WordPress Membership Plugins to create a fully functioning membership site if you don’t have to have but one on your website?


Looking at the ease of use, you can follow the simple setup guide and go through the process quickly to get your site setup. Since the best WordPress Membership Plugins is always updated, you won’t have to worry about a lack of compatibility with your WordPress version.

Being able to drip feed content to your subscribers is one of the features most people want to have, and you can do this through MemberPress. You also can integrate with your favorite autoresponder for even more power and accessibility to your members.

You are about to grant and revoke access to members depending on their current level of membership on the site, so you never have to worry that someone who isn’t supposed to have access has it.

Want to give your members the option of being an affiliate? You have the option of setting up an affiliate program as well.

You should note that you will have to pay a yearly subscription fee to the platform.

2. LearnDash –

LearnDash is a great best WordPress Membership Plugins when you want to sell online courses. There is a lot of customization and the latest technologies and trends taking place with this best WordPress Membership Plugins. You’ll find gamification, social learning, and micro-content within its walls.

WordPress Membership Plugins

There is also a points system inside that allows learners to unlock different courses based on points that they have earned. You can also give out certificates and badges as you see fit.

This is a great best WordPress Membership Plugins for member retention and gives you a lot of different options for engaging your members.

LearnDash is a yearly subscription pricing model.

3. Restrict Content Pro –

Restrict Content Pro works to ensure that you don’t have more than what you need with this best WordPress Membership Plugins. You get all of the set of features that you need for your membership site, but they are put together as add-ons.

Restrict Content Pro

You get the built-in payment system, and you can use this best WordPress Membership Plugins for subscriptions, private forums, member blogging, and more. You can use a lite version of this best WordPress Membership Plugins, but it does not have as many features as the premium.

The premium version of Restrict Content Pro is a yearly subscription price model.


These are some great best WordPress Membership Plugins that you can choose from depending on your needs and your site’s needs. Having a membership site will allow you to unlock a whole new world.

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