[FiXED] Runtime Error 429 ActiveX Component can’t Create Object Windows

Runtime Error 429

Hey all, I hope you are doing well, but I also know you are getting & facing Runtime Error 429 ActiveX Component Can’t Create Object Windows PC code problem on your Windows PC and sometimes on your smartphone device. So today, for that, we are here to help you in this Error 429 matter with our so easy and straightforward solutions and guide methods.

This shows an error code message like,

Runtime Error 429

Windows Runtime Error 429 Active component can’t create object.

This error occurs when a user tries to open ActiveX-dependent pages. This error may also occur when the COM (Component Object Model) cannot create the requested Automation object. This Error Code 429 appears when the PC user attempts to access web pages containing ActiveX content. This Runtime Error happens when an automation sequence fails to operate the way it’s scripted. This error is the result of conflicts between 2 or more programs. This runtime error occurs if the automation server for the Excel link is not registered correctly. This error issue includes your PC system freezing, crashes & some virus infection too. This runtime error happens when an automation sequence fails to operate the way it’s scripted. This Runtime Error 429 indicates an incompatibility of essentials files that pastel requires to run.

Causes of Runtime Error 429 ActiveX Component Can’t Create Object Issue:

So, here are some quick tips and tricks for easily fixing and solving this type of Runtime Error 429 ActiveX Component Can’t Create Object Windows PC Code problem for you permanently.

How to Fix Runtime Error 429 ActiveX Component Can’t Create Object Issue

1. Uninstall the Microsoft .NET Framework & Reinstall it Again on your PC –

Uninstall the .NET framework and reinstall it again

  • Go to the start menu
  • Search or go to the Control Panel
  • Click on the ‘Programs and Features‘ option there
  • Select the “.NET framework” Software there &
  • Right-click on it & select Uninstall to uninstall it
  • After that, close the tab
  • Now, again reinstall it again
  • That’s it, done

Uninstalling and reinstalling the .NET framework can also fix and solve this Runtime Error 429 ActiveX Component can’t create an object problem for you.

2. Delete the Temporary Files Folder from your Windows PC –

Delete the Temporary Files

  • Go to the start menu
  • Open ‘My Computer there
  • Now, right-click on the driver containing the installed game
  • Select the Properties option there
  • Click on the Tools option
  • & Click on ‘Check Now‘ to check any error it is having
  • After completing, close all the tabs
  • That’s it, done

Deleting all the temporary files can get rid of this Runtime Error 429 Active X component can create an object problem.

3. Fix by the (CMD) Command Prompt on your Windows PC –

Fix by Command Prompt Runtime Error 429

  • Go to the start menu
  • Search or go to the Cmd (Command Prompt) there
  • Click on it and opens it
  • A Pop-up will open there
  • Type the following commands there
    Regsvr32 jscript.dll
  • Then, press Enter there
  • A succeeded message will show there
  • Now, type this command
    Regsvr32 vbscript.dll
  • Then, press Enter there
  • A succeeded message will show again there
  • That’s it, done
**NOTE: This command is for both the 32-Bit and the 64-Bit processor.

Running the regsvr32 jscript.dll command in the command prompt will quickly fix this Runtime Error 429 ActiveX component can’t create an object problem.

4. Fixing by the Registry Cleaner on your Windows PC –

Clean or Restore the Registry

You can fix it by fixing the registry cleaner from any registry cleaner software, and it can also fix and solve this Runtime Error 429 ActiveX component that can’t create an object Windows XP problem.

5. Create a System Restore Point on your Windows PC –

Fix System Restore Features Runtime Error 429

  • Go to the start menu
  • Search or go to the ‘System Restore.’
  • Clicks on it and open it there
  • After that, tick on the “Recommended settings” or ‘Select a restore point‘ there.
  • After selecting, click on the Next option there
  • Now, follow the wizard
  • After completing, close the tab
  • That’s it, done

So by trying this above guide, you will learn to know about how to solve & fix this IDS Runtime Error 429 Windows 10 ActiveX component can’t create an object problem issue from your Windows PC entirely.


Run System Restore & Create a Restore Point

  • Go to the start menu
  • Search or go to the ‘System Properties.’
  • Click on it and opens it.
  • After that, go to the “System Protection” option there
  • Now, click on the “System Restore” option there
  • & Create a Restore point there
  • After completing, close the tab
  • That’s it, done

Running a system restore and creating a new restore point by any of these two methods can completely solve this pinnacle game profiler Runtime Error 429 Windows 10 problem from your PC.

6. Run the sfc /scannow Command in the CMD (Command Prompt) –

Fix by running sfc/scannow in Cmd Runtime Error 429

  • Go to the start menu
  • Search or go to the Command Prompt
  • Click on that and opens it
  • A Pop-up will open there
  • Type this below the following command
  • After that, press Enter there
  • Wait for some seconds there
  • After completing, close the tab
  • That’s it, done

Run an sfc/scannow command in the command prompt that can quickly fix and solve this Runtime Error 429 ActiveX Windows 10 code problem from your PC.

7. Fix by MSConfig Command on your Windows PC –

Fix by Cleaning Boot Runtime Error 429

  • Go to the start menu.
  • Search for ‘msconfig.exe‘ in the search box and press Enter there
  • Click on the User Account Control permission
  • & click on the Continue option there
  • On the General tab there,
  • Click on the ‘Selective Startup‘ option there
  • Under the Selective Startup tab, Click on the ‘Clear the Load Startup‘ items check box.
  • Click on the services tab there,
  • Click to select the “Hide All Microsoft Services” checkbox
  • Then, click on the ‘Disable All‘ & press the Ok button there
  • After that, close the tab
  • & restart your PC
  • That’s it, done

Cleaning the boot, you can quickly recover from this Runtime Error 429 VBA Windows 8 problem.

8. Delete or Remove All the Third-Party Drivers on your Windows –

Delete or Remove all the third-party Drivers Runtime Error 429

  • Go to the start menu
  • Go to ‘My Computer‘ or ‘Computer‘ there
  • Click on the “Uninstall or change a program” there
  • Now go to the driver that you want to uninstall
  • Right-click on it there
  • & Click on ‘Uninstall‘ there to uninstall it
  • That’s it, done

Deleting or removing all the third-party drivers will quickly fix this Runtime Error 429 Windows 7 problem.


These are the quick and the best methods to get rid of this Runtime Error 429 ActiveX Component Can’t Create Object Windows PC Code problem for you entirely. Hopefully, these solutions will help you get back from this Runtime Error 429 ActiveX can’t create an object problem.

If you are facing or falling in this Runtime Error 429 ActiveX Component can’t create object Windows PC Code problem or any error problem, then comment down the error problem below so that we can fix and solve it too by our top best quick methods guides.


  1. I appreciate your guide, it is excellent, my problem is that the error occurs when developing in VBScript when trying to generate the object for Excel and I do not understand which of its 8 recommendations is the one that I can apply. I will appreciate your recommendation!


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