The past two years have been challenging for the world’s supply chains. The pandemic and trade wars have forced transport operators to completely rethink how they operate, and now the world is facing a war in Ukraine that will have far-reaching consequences for the global economy. What processes will develop in the logistics industry in the coming years? What trends will be decisive? Let’s outline the decisive trends below.

Logistics and Supply Chain Trends

Table of Contents

Challenges for Logistics

Now it is already obvious that another shock period awaits logistics operators. A big European war has added to the problems of the coronavirus. In the past year, global supply chains have been hit by a record capacity shortage – unprecedented shortages of containers, trucks, ports, warehouses, and skilled workers. All this affects transport tariffs, business profitability, and ultimately the price tags in supermarkets.

Few people will be able to solve such problems in an extensive way – there simply will not be enough funds for this. Even large logistics operators understand that a rapid expansion of capacity today will cost too much to be worthwhile. Obviously, the logistics industry’s development will increase productivity and efficiency – through digitalization and optimization of available resources.

For example, dispatch software development for fleet management can significantly alleviate the problem of drivers and trucks. And the introduction of a modern warehouse management system is to solve the problem of efficient use of warehouse

Modern IT tools give logistics several advantages:

  • cost reduction
  • real-time workflow monitoring
  • optimal use of capacity
  • wide opportunities for analytics and forecasting
  • synchronization of company divisions, speeding up communication

Supply Chain Trends

We can talk about the key technological trends in the logistics business for the coming years:

  1. Integrated management platforms. Many logistics operators already rely on various automation systems – warehouse management systems and fleet routing platforms. The next step will be integrating such tools into a single infrastructure.
  2. Internet of things. IoT tools make the supply chain truly transparent and manageable. The operator gets the opportunity to track every parcel, every container, and every truck in real time. Opportunities are opening up for monitoring vehicles’ technical conditions and drivers’ health.
  3. Predictive analytics. Machine algorithms are already successfully used today to predict the demand for commodity items. This is a valuable resource for a logistics operator, which can prepare supply chains in advance for a growing load.
  4. Robotization. Using drones and robots will help solve the labor problem in the warehouse and in delivery. And unmanned trucks, in the long run, will solve the problem of the lack of drivers.

The success of introducing new technologies in the logistics business largely depends on the competence of the involved development team. Wezom Software Company has already become a successful example for the industry, which can share successful cases for the Ukrainian and US markets.

You can read more about the company on our website We develop software for businesses and startups. We have experience in many industries, but above all in logistics solutions. Contact us! We will study your business and offer working solutions.


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