Gmail has more than 1.5 billion users from all across the globe and is arguably one of the most popular email providers out there. We use Gmail for both official and personal use every day and share sensitive information with our colleagues and friends. However, with the advancements in technology, protecting data has become a challenge now, and if you are not careful with your emails, then your personal information can fall into the wrong hands. In this article, I have mentioned a few tips for securing your Gmail that will help you avoid any sort of breach. Let’s have a look:

Tips for Securing Your Gmail

Table of Contents

Choose Safe Passwords

If you want to make sure that no one signs into your Gmail account, then it is highly recommended that you choose your password more wisely. Some people are quite careless with their passwords, and they choose simple words that are not hard to predict. Those passwords might be easier to remember, but they are far from secure. So, it is advised that you choose your password wisely and make it as difficult and unpredictable as possible. Use a combination of upper-case and lower-case letters and use numbers as well. This will allow you to build a strong password.

Use Gmail Encryption

When we use Gmail for official proposes most of the time, we are sharing confidential information. Sometimes that information is so sensitive that if it gets leaked, it can affect the company badly. When you are using Gmail for such critical information, it is wise to use email encryption so that it is only read by the person for whom it’s meant for. This will ensure secure communication, and you would never have to worry about breaches. You can also learn to visit to learn more about Gmail encryption.

Two-Step Verification

Another simple way of improving your Gmail’s security is to turn on the two-step verification. Even if you have a strong password, it is still better to turn on two-step verification as it will allow you to make the login process more secure. With the help of this feature, you would not be able to login to your account until you share a secret code that is sent to your phone or an alternate email by the provider. You will be able to access your inbox only when you have entered both the password and the authentication code. Two-step verification has been around for quite a while now, and still, the majority of the users have not even tried it once. So, it is worth mentioning on this list.

Beware of Phishing

Phishing is a fraudulent email that asks you to share your sensitive information by pretending to be someone else. Most people cannot tell the difference between a phishing email and a real email, which is quite concerning. However, if you look closely, you can always tell the difference between a fake or original email if an email is unexpectedly asking you to share a piece of information that is quite sensitive, then double-check before sharing the information.


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