If you have been a web developer or administrator then you must be familiar with the 503 Error Code. It is an internal server error. This error can occur on any web browser, operating system, or smartphone. The error majorly occurs with websites made on WordPress. If you have been using WordPress you must know about Jetpack. It is a very famous WordPress plugin that has over a million active installs. The plugin helps in remotely managing the WordPress.com interface to manage a stack of your WordPress blogs. The complexity arises when using varnish and Jetpack. And if you are using Varnish on your blog, you might get 503 Error Code Backend Fetch Failed.

503 Error Code

Breaking Point Alert: A Mystery Has Now Been Solved Regarding Your Website!?️‍♂️ RIGHT NOW, DECIPHER the Mysterious 503 Error Code! ? A bug that’s more than just a bug: it’s a silent assassin destroying your online kingdom and driving your users into a wasteland of technology. Explore the infamous 503 Error Code with us as we examine the online spectre that paralyzes websites, ruins user experience, and hides your content behind an impenetrable wall of annoyance. The SOS on your website is very clear. Utilize our ULTIMATE guide to decode the 503 distress signal and take back your digital space.

Causes Of 503 Error Code Backend Fetch Failed

Since we know that the issues mainly occur because of using varnish and jetpack combo, there is not any one specific cause. Users who have faced this error differ when it comes to the causes of 503 Error Code Backend Fetch Failed. For example, some user claims that the error occurs because of insufficient memory, If the server does not have sufficient memory or if the requests are too many, the backend link to the server fails and the 503 Error Code appears. Also, when the Varnish cache is corrupted the error appears.

  • Insufficient Memory
  • Corrupted Varnish Cache
  • Incorrect Varnish Configuration
  • Insufficient Number of Headers in Varnish
  • WordPress Plugin issues

Similar Types Of 503 Error Code Backend Fetch Failed

  • Error 503 backend fetch failed WordPress
  • 503 Error Code backend fetch failed – Magento 2 bitnami
  • Drupal error 503 backend fetch failed
  • Error 503 backend fetch failed cloudways
  • Error 503 backend fetch failed Udemy
  • Moodle error 503 backend fetch failed
  • Error 503 backend fetch failed sad panda
  • 503 Error Code backend fetch failed Squarespace
  • Error 503 backend read error turnitin
  • Error 503 backend fetch failed watch series

How to Fix 503 Error Code Problem Issue Quickly

Below we have demonstrated all the possible ways to fix 503 Error Code Backend Fetch Failed.

1. Increasing the Header Limit

In the first method, we will try to fix the 503 Error Code issue, by fixing the jetpack and varnish combination. If you are using both of them it is recommended to go with this method first. To fix the issue we have divided the solution into two parts.

A). Checking The Error

In the first part, we will find out the cause behind the 503 Error Code Backend Fetch Failed. Follow each step carefully.

  • STEP 1. To track the cause, open up an SSH session for your server with Varnish
  • STEP 2. While you are in the console, run the varnish log command
varnishlog -q "BereqHeader ~ '^Host: .*\.domain.com'" > bereq.log
  • STEP 3. The above command will track all the requests that happened in the background, and create a text file of it
  • STEP 4. The next thing you need to do is to Deactivate your Jetpack
  • STEP 5. After a few seconds activate it back again
  • STEP 6. You will see the below error in your browser
Error 503 Backend fetch failed
Backend fetch failed
Guru Meditation:
XID: 2230744
  • STEP 7. The important thing here is the XID code, kindly copy it someplace safe, we will be needing it in the future steps
  • STEP 8. Now get back to the console and press Ctrl + C, to close the varnish log command
  • STEP 9. Head to the log file you have generated by the name bereq.log
  • STEP 10. Open it and if you find the below information
-   BogoHeader     Too many headers: Set-Cookie: jetpackS
-   HttpGarbage    "HTTP/1.1%00"
-   BerespStatus   503
-   BerespReason   Service Unavailable
-   FetchError     http format error
  • STEP 11. If you get too many headers or similar then the error is with the headers, which is the major cause of Error 503 Backend Fetch Failed
  • STEP 12. Now let’s proceed to the next part to fix this issue

B. Fixing Too Many Header Issues

In the above part, we have tracked the issue this part is the resolution part of the issue. Follow each step carefully to fix the 503 Error Code issue. To fix the issue we have to tweak the header limit. The default header limit is 64 and we will change it to 96.

  • STEP 1. To fix the issues, head to the below location and locate the varnish configuration file
  • STEP 2. Once you find the file look for the text DAEMON_OPTS 
  • STEP 3. And add the parameter for the number of HTTP headers
  • STEP 4. It should be like,
             -f ${VARNISH_VCL_CONF} \
             -p    http_max_hdr=96    \ #  this is the tuned parameter we added
             -p thread_pool_min=${VARNISH_MIN_THREADS} \
             -p thread_pool_max=${VARNISH_MAX_THREADS} \
  • STEP 5. Once done save the file and check if your issue is resolved

2. Creating Port and Protocol Mapping

If you are still getting the same 503 Error Code. Then you have to create port and protocol mapping.

In this case, the 503 Error Code appears when PHP is unable to locate the server port behind Varnish. Thus the communication layer between the WordPress and remote service gets broken.

The only way to resolve this 503 Error Code issue is to create a port and protocol mapping. This will help in translating the proper information over to the PHP engine

3. Incorrect Varnish Cache Configuration

Users have also reported that the 503 Error Code also occurs when the varnish cache configuration is incorrect or wrong. The major thing that is to be set right is mentioned below

503 Error Code

  • Make sure that Varnish and Apache use the same port which is 80
  • Make sure that the IP address used in the Varnish configuration is listening properly

4. Delete Maintenance. flag

If you are using the Magento connect the method is for you. According to the users. The 503 Error Code occurs because of the file “maintenance. flag” located in the root directory of the Magento website. It put the website into maintenance mode and thus you get the error. To fix this issue simply remove the maintenance. flag.

  • STEP 1. First of all log in to the web host
  • STEP 2. To gain access to your website Host Server, you will need an FTP client
  • STEP 3. Using the FTP client Navigate to the Magneto website root directory
  • STEP 4. Once you have reached look for the file “maintenance. flag” file
  • STEP 5. Once you find it, delete the file
  • STEP 6. Now refresh your website and your error will be fixed

5. WordPress Troubleshooting

Sometimes the 503 Error Code occurs because of small things that are often missed and overlooked by the user.

  • Deactivate plugins: If you have recently installed any plugin or addon, or maybe you have updated any plugging. Make sure to disable it or uninstall it to fix the issue.
  • Switch Theme: Similarly, like plugins, if you have recently installed a new theme or updated the existing theme, then it is suggested to either change the theme or switch to the previous version.


This is the end of the troubleshooting guide on 503 Error Code Backend Fetch Failed. We can conclude that by following the above methods and tips you will surely get rid of this issue. This article covers all the causes of this 503 Error Code issue and its solutions. We hope your issue is fixed. For more guides like this follow us. Thank you!

Unveiling the Last Frontier in Digital Resilience! We emerge from our journey through the confusing tunnels of the 503 Error Code enlightened and empowered, ready to defend our virtual domains from unforeseen outages and digital disasters! ?✨ It’s not just a numerical mistake; it’s a wake-up call for us to improve server management, prepare for the unexpected, and build an online fortress resistant to internal collapses and external sieges.

Navigate fearlessly through the cyber seas knowing that the 503 beast has been tamed and your online sanctuary is secure and steadfast! Together, we’ve decoded the 503 Error Code enigma, gaining knowledge and wielding a shield against future digital disruptions. Here’s to easy navigation, content users, and a website that withstands the obstacles of the digital world without faltering! ??

People Also Ask (FAQ):

? Q1: What Mysteries Does the 503 Error Code Conceal?

A: The 503 Error Code is not merely digits on your screen; it’s a ghostly siren warning of server unavailability! Whether due to maintenance or overloading, this code signals that the server cannot handle the request, hurling your users into the void of inaccessibility.

? Q2: Is the 503 Error Code a Permanent Tombstone for My Website?

A: Not! The 503 Error Code, while daunting, is often temporary. With the right debugging, system checks, and perhaps a touch of expert assistance, your website can, and most likely will, return from the digital abyss, resurrecting to once again reign supreme in its online realm!

? Q3: Can My Users Bypass the 503 Error Code to Access My Site?

A: Unfortunately, the 503 Error Code barricade is impenetrable from a user’s standpoint. It’s vital to communicate potential downtime or website maintenance to your audience through alternate channels, ensuring they’re not left bewildered and stranded at the gates of an inaccessible webpage.

?️ Q4: How do I Unveil the Root of the 503 Error Code Malevolence?

A: Diagnosis requires a methodical approach! Begin with server logs, explore potential server overloads, scrutinize ongoing maintenance, and delve into possible network issues. Engage in a meticulous audit to unearth the lurking issues beneath the 503 Error Code surface!

? Q5: Can a 503 Error Code Impact My SEO Performance and User Trust?

A: A fleeting encounter with a 503 Error Code is typically benign to SEO, but persistent or recurrent issues may vex the search engine and erode user trust. Ensuring swift resolution and clear communication with your audience during outages is paramount to preserving your digital reputation.

? Q6: How do I Equip Myself to Prevent Future 503 Error Code Onslaughts?

A: Vigilance and preparation are key! Robust server management, capacity planning, and implementing efficient traffic control strategies will fortress your website against future 503 Error Code incursions. Ensuring your server is equipped to handle surges and adequately maintained prevents many unexpected digital downfalls.

? Q7: How do I Alert My Users When the 503 Error Code Beast Strikes Again?

503 Error Code

A: Employ a custom 503 Error Code page! With a touch of creativity and a dash of informality, your error page can communicate issues effectively, providing reassurance and alternative contact or access points to your besieged digital visitors, turning a potential frustration into a palatable interaction.

? Q8: Can I Conquer the 503 Error Code Solo, or Do I Need a Digital Army?

A: While many fixes are within reach of website owners, having a skilled squadron of IT professionals and website developers ensures you’re not alone when navigating the tumultuous waters of server 503 Error Code and website outages.

? Q9: What Steps Should I Take When the 503 Error Code Has Been Vanquished?

A: Post-battle, analyze and document the skirmish! Determine what caused the 503 Error Code, and how it was resolved, and formulate a battle plan to avoid future server disturbances, ensuring your website remains a steadfast and reliable haven for your users.

Starting a journey through the 503 Error Code doesn’t just fix one problem; it improves the strength of your digital domain, making it dependable and user-focused!?? May the dreadful spectre of server errors never trouble your website as it navigates the vast and endless cyberspace!


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